What you may not know about Pine Straw:

By using the superior IGC Pine Straw Brown colorant, less pine straw is needed year to year because pine straw is preserved when coated by the IGC process. On subsequent applications, the number of bales of pine straw is reduced because it can simply be "sprayed" again. Climate and traffic on the pine straw are factors that will cause the need for some pine straw replacement; however, in protected areas, bale counts can be greatly reduced. This saves pine straw products as well as money. In many cases, pine straw that has been applied as groundcover, but not yet decomposed, can be sprayed with our process as-is, completely eliminating the expense of putting down any new pine straw.

What you may not know about Mulch:

It takes 1 8" tree to make 1 yd of mulch. There are 4,200,00 homes and businesses in Georgia. If every home or business used 10 yds of mulch, that would consume 42,000,000 trees! Distribution would require fuel for 420,000 tractor loads, not including the fuel used to pull, load, & grind the trees.

IGC has a very simple solution: Colorbackā„¢